- Accueil
- Profile de Mua R.
- Linux
- Python
- Database
- PostgreSQL
- JavaScript
- PHP Laravel
- Django
- VueJS
- Flutter
A.k.a Mua Rachmann, I am just one person trying to impact lives via tech. Self motivated individual with decent but yet great experience working on multiple projects. Passionate and hardworking with penchant for meeting deadlines. Interested in role with company promoting best practices and offering diverse customer projects. Determined Software Engineer offering more than +7 years of expertise in fast-paced departments. Bilingual and well-spoken with ability to work closely with people of all different backgrounds and personalities. I get stuffs DONE! Though I find myself breaking stuffs to make them more usable.
Historique des activités et reviews (0)
Il n'y a rien à montrer pour le moment.
Pas de portfolio disponible
- Demander un devis
Tarif par heure:
10000 FCFA/h
~ 15 EUR/h~ 17 USD/h~ 23 CAD/h
Évaluation projets:
- Expérience: 7 années
- Réalisations: 0
- Microservices publiés: 0
Total Gagné:
~ 0 EUR~ 0 USD~ 0 CAD
- Pays: Cameroun
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