- Accueil
- Profile de Daniel B.
- Penser en termes de design
- Gestion de projet
- Gestionnaire de communauté
- Lean six sigma
I am a highly motivated and result-driven product manager, adept at market research, business intelligence, and product marketing illustrated across less than 2 years of demonstrated experience across related roles.
Lead and managed the product development for a new B2C marketplace product, an online car dealership for people who enjoy online shopping for high-value commodities and expect to enjoy financing, from conception to launch.
High achieving professional and self-starter with skillsets across relevant fields including data analysis, design, sales, HRM, and possessing strong communication skills and organizational capabilities.
I employ various effective management and analytic methods to ensure revenue and customer satisfaction goals are met.
Historique des activités et reviews (0)
- Demander un devis
Tarif par heure:
20000 FCFA/h
~ 30 EUR/h~ 34 USD/h~ 46 CAD/h
Évaluation projets:
- Expérience: 4 années
- Réalisations: 0
- Microservices publiés: 0
Total Gagné:
~ 0 EUR~ 0 USD~ 0 CAD
- Pays: Nigeria